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Cratères lunaires

John of the Moon

according to Tomi Ungerer


Text edited at the leisure school

Young audience show from 3 years old

(Musical theatre, object and puppet theatre)


Jean de la Lune lives on the Moon but is a bit bored alone there. One day, he decides to travel to Earth by clinging to the tail of a passing comet. But he is not very well received and the earthly authority, convinced that he is an invader, decides to capture him.

Fortunately, Jean de la Lune manages to escape and has a good time discovering the beauty of the blue planet.

But the authority has continuity in ideas and pursues him...

Jean de la Lune now has only one desire: to return home... Who can help him?


"The adaptation of Tomi Ungerer's tale did not fail to delight young audiences with its poetic dimension while sowing some seeds of tolerance in the minds of children.

By the choice of their texts and by their acting, Jean-Bernard Philippot and his friends of the Compagnie Nomades know how to impress beautiful values in the conscience of their spectators.



With Marie Recours (Piano) and David Braun (Accordion)

Direction and scenography: Jean-Bernard Philippot

Creation and production Sets: Benjamin Isabel
Costumes and puppets: Camille Granger
Lights: Jean-Bernard Philippot/Maxime Aubert
Videos: Maxime Aubert
Management: Maxime Aubert and Lucas Dorémus
Administration: Julien Dubuc


A family show that can be played anywhere!

Indoors and outdoors!

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Learn more about this creation: Tdownload the show file!

​© 2017 by Compagnie Nomades Theater

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