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The little flower that wanted to fly

At the Festival off d'Avignon from July 7 to 28, 2021 Click!

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Ecology, biodiversity, climate change, migrations, otherness, friendship.

From 5 years

Creation for young audiences 2021
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A small flower fallen from a basket

Found herself alone one day lost in a meadow.

Far from all his family and friends

And not knowing what to do,

However, she decided to put her things there.

But how to live happily far from any friendship?

Little lost flower, completely uprooted.

Then finally the suns of an announced spring

When a little bee nuzzled his ear...


The little flower that wanted to flytells the story of a little garden flower that one day finds itself lost by a little boy in the middle of a meadow.

Alone on a land she does not know, far from all her brothers and sisters in grandfather's garden, the little stranger has no other solution but to try to adapt if she wants to survive. But the resistances in this new environment are numerous and the little flower is struggling to establish itself.

This little boy has a new neighbour, Maumachi, which means “ Abeille ” in Bangladeshi, a young climate refugee girl who had to leave her country following the flooding of the land . She experienced the trauma of "the great crossing" where several of her brothers and sisters sank.

What intersecting destinies bring together the little boy, his stray little flower and Maumachi ?

The little flower that wanted to fly is a show of environmental resistance to global warming and its consequences on biodiversity.

By recounting the crossroads of a small flower uprooted from its land and a young climate refugee, it also addresses the themes of migration, world cultures, travel. He talks about the other and questions us about our relationship to him, to our differences and to the richness that exchanges bring us.

"My name is Maumachi
And I'm your neighbor
I come from a distant land
where the sun flooded the earth
Then the ocean flooded my brothers
A stormy day
We fell from a boat no bigger than a basket"

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A theater show for young audiences all in plant art!

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Text and direction: Jean-Bernard Philippot
author published by L'Harmattan

Pauline Vincent, Pauline Nadoulek
Raphael Jothy, Daniel Violette


and our puppets!


Scenography: Jean-Bernard Philippot

Live music: Jean-Bernard Philippot, Raphaël Jothy and Pauline Vincent

Set and puppet construction: Jean-Marc Chamblay

Videos: Sébastien Sidaner

Costumes: Marion Prouvost

Technical: Maxime Aubert
assisted by Lucas Dorémus

Poster: Raphael Michon


The administration team:

Secretary General: Julien Dubuc

President: Hervé Santerre

Treasurer: Didier Lalonde

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"The little flower that wanted to fly", a poetic and ecological fable that touches sensitive souls as much by the messages sent as by the visual tricks of the scenography".

Hélène Chevrier THEATRAL MAGAZINE // National Press


"Seen this afternoon! A marvel of poetry, love and tolerance, not to be missed if it is presented here!"

Marie-Pierre Duval Newspaper L'UNION

A very beautiful scenography for a magnificent show that evokes nature and sublimates it! Run there with your children!

France Blue Vaucluse

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First text and video reactions!

"A little gem, a little marvel"!
Arnaud Battefort, Mayor of Vailly sur Aisne, Vice-President of the CCVA

"Very nice show, a life lesson..."

Stéphanie Baudinot, elected representative of Fismes, Com manager of Com Oulchy le Château (02)

"I loved it. Poetry, imagination, freshness, fantasy,
thank you for this evening out of time!"
Celine Vannier

Birth of a show for young audiences...
"The little flower that wanted to fly"

First perfumes...

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The text published by L'Harmattan/Collection Luna

Order it here!
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​© 2017 by Compagnie Nomades Theater

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